Today we will meet a fourth-year student of the engineering and technology department Oleg Vasenkov, who is not only the chairman of the students' trade union of the Smolensk State Agricultural Academy, but also an ambassador of the Smolensk region!
- Why did you choose the agricultural engineering direction, and what did you like about it?
I have always been interested in agricultural machinery, and the opportunity to operate them became especially exciting for me.
- Oleg, tell us a little about your extracurricular activities.
Currently, my extracurricular activities are represented by trade union activities and the Russian Union of Rural Youth. My team and I organize various events for our students so that student life is fun, full of positive impressions and emotions. Also, recently, we have been telling students of our Academy and other agricultural institutions, showing by our example that this direction offers a lot of prospects and unites people with education.
- What was your opinion about the trade union committee? Had you heard anything about it before joining?
I heard about the trade union committee in my first year and immediately wanted to become part of its team. The students' trade union committee seemed to me to be a very friendly team, and it became a second family.
- How did your path in the trade union committee begin?
My path began with working with sponsors. I had no such experience before, and I still remember how nervous I was at the first meetings. However, it was very interesting for me, because I really mastered new skills that will certainly be useful to me in the future.
- How do you manage to combine your studies and extracurricular activities?
It is quite difficult, but I try to keep up with everything. Studies constantly remind me of themselves, and this helps me stay organized.
- What are your main responsibilities as the student union chairman?
My main responsibilities include developing strategies for organizing events for students, representing their interests and protecting their rights.
- What events and initiatives have been the most successful of the union committee recently?
Our main events are still ahead, but at the moment we can highlight the educational project "Across the Fields", during which high-level speakers taught students public speaking and team building skills.
- Can you recall the brightest, warmest memory from your time at the Academy?
My first year will always remain in my heart, when I just started studying and actively participating in the union committee. New acquaintances and impressions left an indelible mark on my life.
- What personal achievements in your studies and the trade union committee do you consider the most significant?
The fact that the students elected me as the chairman of the trade union committee was a turning point in my life, which largely determined my path.
- How do you motivate your fellow students to actively participate in the life of the Academy and the trade union committee?
It is difficult to motivate them, since they are close to graduation and are preparing to work in the agro-industrial complex. But by my example, I always try to show that extracurricular activities are a real family that supports and inspires.
- What are your plans after graduating from the Academy, and what role will extracurricular activities play in this?
I still can't believe that I'm a graduate. It seems like it was just yesterday that I received my student ID. After graduating from the Academy, I plan to continue developing within my specialty and I think that the skills and connections I acquired through extracurricular activities will play an important role in my career.
- What advice can you give to applicants who are planning to enter Smolensk State Agricultural Academy?
I wish applicants not to be afraid to prove themselves and believe in success.
- What advice would you give to students who want to become active members of student government?
Of course, you should be patient and surround yourself with true friends!
- Continue the phrase "The Academy for me is ..."
The Academy is my family!